Qi is power, energy, or Chi in Chinese. Originally a concept that originated in ancient China, it refers to the movement of “invisible energy” in the world. The concept of chi still has a great influence on the way we think and judge things in Japan.
There are many words that use chi, such as illness, genki, feeling, air, and so on.
In Japan, this word is important in many situations.
When energy is weak, it is weak-ki. When power is strong, it is bullish. Air is air, but “That person is an airhead.” When you say, “He/she is a person who cannot sense the atmosphere and react to it.” It means, “That person is not able to feel the atmosphere and react to it.
If the mood is good, people will be positive and energetic; if the mood is bad, they will be tired in mind and body.
Popularity is what many people think that person likes.
Mood refers to the division of energy. A good mood is a mental and physical state that brings in good energy.
In other words, if you can read the chi and use it well, things will go smoothly and you will be able to relate well with others. Ki means to distribute good energy to others. In Japan, ki is very important in all relationships. Logical thinking may not be able to explain it.
In life, it is very important to use “positive energy” or “good ki” in this way.

Motivation is Will to do→ Motivation is the drive to take action.

Fighting Spirit → Determination is the spirit to keep fighting.

Tough-minded→ Resilience is the ability to remain strong-minded.

Fate for luck ….→ Fortune is the course of events beyond our control.

Even in the West, there is an invisible energy that occurs between people. By making good use of this energy, it is possible to facilitate human relationships. Let’s use chi to our advantage.

This is also related to my book, “Invisible Gifts,” which is about giving gifts to others by using “Ki.

News: The Invisible Gift publish in India soon!

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We have been contacted by an American publisher and the book “The Invisible Gift” will be published in India.We are looking forward to it .The publisher, Pentagon Press, has acquired the rights to republish “The Invisible Gift” in India.

They bought the “English reprint rights.” This means that instead of translating it into Hindi, they will publish it in English. They may change the design and editing to fit their context.We still have the right to distribute the original English edition in India. However, such editions reach India at a price that only about 5% of the population can afford. Therefore, local publishers license “English reprints” and sell them more cheaply for the remaining 95% of the population. They are also often sold at different outlets.
